Artist. Scrapbooker. Quilter. Writer. Art supply junkie. Creative soul exploring.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Cricut Cartridge Master List
50 States
Animal Kingdom
Cuttin' Up
Dreams Come True
Fabulous Finds
George and Basic Shapes
Going Places
Home Accents
Learning Curve
Makin' the Grade
Mickey and Friends
My Community
My World
New Arrival
Paper Doll Dress Up
Plantin SchoolBook
Pooh and Friends
Printing Press
Simply Sweet
Spongebob Squarepants
Stand and Salute
Street Sign
Stretch Your Imagination
Walk in my Garden
Monday, September 21, 2009
New Grandson

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sad News in Pop Culture
Second, Michael Jackson, passed away at 50; musical genius, dancer extradinaire turned oddball. Although he was clearly troubled in recent years. He was hugely popular back in the day. Who could stop from tapping there toe to Beat It or Billie Jean; and who could forget The Thriller.
Third [don't they always die in threes? My grandma always said that, and it seems to hold true] was Ed McMahon the ever-present sidekick to Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show. We al remember his trademark, "Heeeeeeerrrrreeeee's Johnny!!"
And also this week the death of a marriage as reality tv stars and parents of one of the most popular celebrity mega-family: Jon and Kate Gosselin have filed divorce papers. Although many seen this coming, if they watched the show. It is still tremendously sad, that those children must go through this and go through it with cameras in their faces.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Beginning Genealogy Tips Lens on Squidoo
It is about Beginning Genealogy Tips
Driving Fool
Just got back to Virginia about an hour ago; squirrels got in my daughter's attic; so I brought my oldest son over to fix it for her.
It has rained everytime I am in Virginia it seems ... is it ever dry here?
Still buzzing from 13 hours in the car ... wondering if there is such a thing as "car lag"?
Saturday, May 30, 2009
DAV Meeting
There was a pot luck meal before the meeting. Then the men go in one room, the women in another and the kids in a third.
I was appointed the chairman of the community service committee, at least I think that is the right title. I am new and am still some what confused as to what I am supposed to do.
Garden update
We came home the other day and found 2 tomato plants left on our front walk; so we added them to a corner of the garden; I think the landlady probably left them ... unless the garden fairy finally added us to her route, lol.
Also the herbs that I planted in the mini terrarium are up; as are the chives in the larger pot.
Update on 3rd Son & Fort Hood
Also it looks like he won't be deployed to Afghanistan just yet; now it might not be until next summer. If so, it will mean that he can be there for the birth of his first son.
Entered the obituary of Marvin (Roy) Gift from Medina Co., Ohio.
He was the father of Marvin Gift that married my Aunt Juanita Brinker.
He was also the father of Pauline Gift that married my Uncle Clarence Tuneson Brinker (Grandma's brother) and then later married my Uncle Willard Norris (Grandpa's brother).
Summer Vacation
Cookout Tonight
Denim Quilt Update
Friday, May 29, 2009
Perspiration Stains
I filled a 5 gallon bucket about 2/3 full of water. I applied white vinegar to each stain; thoroughly soaking it and working the vinegar into the stain with an old toothbrush; then I dumped the rest of the small bottle of vinegar into the 5 gallon bucket of water and soaked the shirts overnight and then laundered as normal.
This removed the vast majority of the stains and made what was left practically undetectable. I then refilled the small vinegar bottle from the larger gallon jug that I had gotten at Walmart for a little over $2.00.
Quilting Update
My second son did that with his lap quilt. Each time he saw me sewing he would bring the quilt and ask me to add just 1 row on 1 side. Since this didn't seem like much effort, I would slap a row on there. His quilt was twin size, when it got stolen while he was working in Louisiana.
So I have made him an Army print Camo Cathedral Window lap quilt; he says he plans on having me add to it until it is queen size and then it will be used on his bed.
Herbs Are Sprouted!
The little terrarium is full of tiny green tips just poking through the soil.
And the larger pot of chives is greening up very nicely.
Looking forward to cooking with the fresh herbs that I have grown.
On the Road Again
After I dropped my son off I went out to my dad's and he and I went to Golden Corral for dinner; we called my brother and he and his wife and daughter were able to meet us at Golden Corral and had a great time reminiscing. The prices there have been raised, although the quality wasn't and the waitress was rude. They charged $1.99 for drinks; and charged my dad an ADDITIONAL $1.99 for a cup of coffee. I will not be going back there.
Hanging out at my brother and sister-in-law's now; we sat up and had a good old-fashioned gabfest and then since I was wired from drinking Mountain Dew on the trip and at dinner I am still awake and so am taking advantage of their fast internet.
Amazingly, I no longer drink Mountain Dew everyday. Mostly around the house I drink a diet peach iced tea mix that I have been getting at Walmart.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Bread Machine Update & Amish Store
Country Pantry
9 miles south of Elkton
9115 Guthrie Rd. Hwy 181
Guthrie, Ky 42234
Hours: Monday - Saturday 8:30-5:00
They have cheap bulk spices.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Pro Active Face Cleanser Cheap Alternative
Since witch hazel is about a dollar and Pro Active is lots more than that; it might be worth a try.
It is up to you, I have not tried it, but thought I would let you know.
Check with a doctor and don't count my word as anything more than I saw something written and am passing it along.
Yard Sale Findings
I found a black fleece winter coat like I have been wanting for $6.00; which is more amazing since I do not usually find anything in my size at a yard sale.
I also got a lightweight fleece jacket for fall in like new condition for $3.00.
I got several really lovely fashionable blouses for $4.00 - $6.00.
Two pairs of pants for $3.00 and $1.00.
Five brand new t-shirts for $1.00 each.
I got a beautiful fluted edge large red glass vase for $0.10 ... yes a dime.
I got a silver twisted wire picture easel for $0.10 ... again a dime -- yeah gotta love that.
I got a bottle of Elizabeth Taylor's Passion perfume for $5.00 it was still brand new in the package with the plastic wrap on it even.
I got a multi-pack of Black & Decker drill bits for $5.00 ... shh this will be a Father's Day present.
I got a small fancy name brand (forgot the exact brand, but high dollar) handheld vacuum; it has beater brushes and empties without needing bags for $2.00.
It was just one of those days when you find the things you want at prices that are great. I love days like that!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Garden Planting
Also I planted a pot of chives; and a tiny terrarium of herbs. It was a little kit with seeds and all included from Dollar Tree was only a dollar, lol.
Tried out the Bread Machine
Monday, May 18, 2009
Thrifty Research
So far I haven't finished with any of them, but am half done with the first Tightwad Gazette; and about 2/3rds done with the Never Throw Out a Banana book.
I need to research Hopkinsville Library's Inter-Library Loan rules to see if they will order books for me that they don't have.
Got a Bread Machine
Went to Sam's Club in Clarksville and got bulk yeast for $4.00 for 2 pounds; which is way better than Walmart's $0.87 for the little packet. Then on the way back found an Amish bulk food store that was ridiculously high on some things; but had excellent prices on bulk spices. Got a small butter tub size container of rosemary for $1.08; and the same size of caraway for rye bread for $1.08. They sell 50 pound bags of whole wheat flour for $28. I bought a loaf of bread from Walmart the other day that was herbed rosemary and it was awesome; so going to try and make something similar at home.
Garden Plowed
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Paid from Associated Content .. WooHoo!!
Cross-training approved
Off to Fort Hood
Annual Training Completion
Air Assault Graduation!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Organizing Family Photos
I am also an avid scrapbooker, so have some photos that are in scrapbooks. Most of the other photos have long since been removed from those destructive magnetic photo albums that were so popular in the 1970s. They absolutely will destroy your photos. These photos are stored in 3 photo boxes made specifically for photo storage. Originally I had divided the photos in the boxes, placing all of my dh's family pictures in one box, all my family's pictures in a second box; and then all of us and our children and grandchildren in the third box. This has gotten a little unorganized over time; since when the kids look through the boxes they see no need to return them to the proper box. I have also made an effort to label each photograph on its back. I include who is in the picture, where it was taken, when it was taken, any occasion that it may be of, etc. Again this is not 100% completed, as I occasionally find unlabeled photos in the boxes.
The biggest problem for organizing photos is trying to organize all the digital photos as they number into the 1000s. With digital cameras, no requiring any expensive developing, to see our images, we shoot infinitely more pictures. A birthday party now can have 200 photos; instead of the 24 that the roll of film limited us to.
Also being a genealogist, I have scanned 100s of family photographs from near and far family members.
The problem comes in labeling, organizing, and ultimately being able to easily and quickly locate a picture when I want it. And I admit that I am probably only doing a C- job of digital photo organization.
I have made many stabs at getting them organized. Some of my efforts have been:
- I created a folder on my desktop that I named Pictures; and I drag all pictures on my computer into it. So that they are at least all in one place.
- I have created subfolders in the Pictures folders in the following categories:
- Crafts - pictures of crafts I have done, or pictures of crafts I have seen that I would like to do or use for inspiration. There are sub-folders within this sub-folder for the various types of crafts I do; such as: Quilting, Crocheting, etc.
- I have a subfolder for each family surname that I research, and place all photos of that family in each folder. Within the Talbert folder I have a subfolder for each of my children, one for pets, one for places we go (trips, vacations, etc), one for reunions, etc.
- Scrapbooking - I am hugely obsessed with scrapbooking and have a massive folder with numerous subfolders about scrapbooking, such as: Sizzix, Cricut, Titles, Tags, Page Layouts, Pages I Have Done, Alphabets, Fonts, Borders, etc.
Now this may seem very organized but not really so much so. As there are 1000s of photos in there and there are many, many folders which are only labeled by the date that the computer imported them from the digital camera. Also when one of the kids stops by they pull their memory card out of their cameras and download a copy of all their photos onto my computer. Which is good because I have all the pictures and also good because they have a backup else where of their pictures. However, if they don't delete the photos from their camera after downloading to my computer; the next time they download it will download not only the new pictures they have taken since then, but they will redownload additional copies of the photos that were downloaded last time. This makes for tedious matching up to find the duplicates and delete them.
I guess, to put it into perspective. Yes, organizing is a necessary but tedious part of this; but that is only because we are blessed with the technology to save our littlest memories so easily. Our ancestors, would have priced as a priceless heirloom even one photo of that dear baby or of mother and father. So we are blessed, just overwhelmed. Like anything else, working on it bit by bit and having an organizational plan can help us get organized and remain organized.
Good luck with preserving those visual memories.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
All four of my sons are here and one of my daughters. So five of seven is pretty good. Thankfully none of the kids are currently deployed; although my third son is here on leave.
He has to report to Fort Hood, Texas next week and is probably going to deploy to Afghanistan for a year soon.
My oldest daughter is still stationed at Langley, so she is in Virginia today.
Second daughter is currently at her Annual Training with the Florida National Guard.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Cardmaking Elements Session
While I was watching it, I rubber stamped one of almost every rubber stamp in my cardmaking tin.
I used mostly black and a sepia brown color.
I tore around each image for the effect.
I have them all stored in a large 8x10 envelope; and while I am waiting for a webpage to load [I have way slow dial-up]; I will pull one out and color it with markers or colored pencils or chalks. Then I will have these elements all finished and ready to use on a card.
Cardmaking Organization
My dh seen how much I was getting rid of and asked if I was getting rid of all my good stuff. But I told him that I wasn't getting rid of my good stuff; I was decluttering so that I could find and use my good stuff.
I went through all my rubber stamps and on the first cut got rid of anything that I didn't like or could not imagine using.
Then after they were pared down some; I went through them a second time and separated the ones that I would use for greeting cards or ATCs or for mail art; from the others that were mostly for scrapbooking or altered art and art journaling.
Then I found a very large decorative tin and I put all my cardmaking rubber stamps in the tin; so even while they are just sitting on the shelf they are decorative looking. Plus when I decide to work on cardmaking I can just grab the tin and move it to wherever I am going to work at.
All my blank envelopes are in a box, standing on edge so I can flip through them to get to the one I want.
I got the majority of them at the local flea market; the lady had a large box about the size of a medium microwave and it was full of envelopes also all were Hallmark greeting card envelopes. She had a sign on it saying $4.00; so I asked her how many do I get for $4.00? She said the whole box and naturally I snatched up that deal.
I have also found at the flea market embossed greeting card blanks; using some of them last Christmas to make my own Christmas cards.
The scrapbooking rubber stamps I have stored in 3 drawer white plastic cabinets that I got rather inexpensively from Wal-mart. I have them organized by theme; like frames, Christmas, doodles, etc.
My idea is that the easier it is to grab my things and get working on a craft project when I have a few minutes, the more I can accomplish.
Ongoing Genealogy Organization
On the other hand, not being able to get online has helped with real life. My house is clean all the time.
I have been doing some major genealogy organizing lately. I have discovered that some of my old files haven't been touched since 1996-1999. Doesn't seem possible that it has been that long.
What I Have Accomplished
1. Have located all genealogy papers and notebooks.
2. Cleaned off 2 rows on the bookshelf and have all the genealogy research notebooks arranged on there.
3. Gathered all genealogy files on my computer and moved them all to a folder named "Genealogy".
4. Gathered all loose genealogy papers and sorted them by family name.
5. Took all sorted genealogy papers and placed them in plastic page protectors and stuck them in proper surname binder. At this point I simply want them in the right binder; I am not trying to deal with them another further than that. So I stick multiple papers in each page protector.
6. On the computer I opened the Genealogy folder and made a subfolder for each surname that I am researching plus a subfolder titled "Organization". Then I moved each file into the appropriate subfolder. On a side note, some of these files have not been accessed since 1996-1999.
7. Now that the files are organized and the notebooks in place; when I have a few minutes to work on the genealogy; I either open a file and work on entering the information from the file into my genealogy database program or pick a paper and enter that information.
Ongoing Plans for my Genealogy
1. Eventually, all the random papers in the page protectors in the genealogy research binders need to be entered into the genealogy database program.
2. All the information in the random genealogy files in the Genealogy folder and subfolders needs to be entered into the genealogy database program.
3. Once all this hard, boring, and tedious paperwork and files are organized and entered into the genealogy database program then I can get back to the fun part which is the research and actually finding the missing pieces.
Inspiration and Guidance
Dear Myrt genealogy column has a monthly genealogical organizational advice post that is most helpful to getting your genealogical life / business in order. Just google Dear Myrt + genealogy; and I am sure that you will find her most helpful.
Expecting a Grandson
Thursday, April 9, 2009
What's everyone up to?
I am currently visiting friends in Ohio.
DH is at home watching the critters and the place.
DD1 is still stationed in Virginia; she is a staff sgt in the Air Force and thankfully returned safely in January from her third deployment. She has been home to visit 2-3 times.
DS1 is in Kentucky; he is still working for the same place; him and wife and kids are doing well; grandson and granddaughter made honor roll in school recently.
DS2 is still stationed in Kentucky with the 101st; he recently was promoted to Specialist; his wife is starting a new job; our granddaughter is going great.
DS3 entered the Army on New Year's Eve and has successfully graduated from basic training and is in the middle of his AIT now; his wife is about 4-5 months pregnant with their second child; the baby just turned 1.
DD2 is currently in Florida; and in the National Guard; she does the Honor Guard for the military funerals; she is engaged.
DS4 is up in Ohio this week visiting on of his best buddies; he is doing well in school; and is taking a welding class this semester that he is enjoying.
DD3 is spending her spring break with ds2 and family in Kentucky. She is doing well in school and recently had her birthday.
As for the extended family:
My dad and step-mom are still in Ohio and doing ok.
Much of the other family is in Ohio some in northern Ohio and some in southern Ohio. Thankfully most are doing pretty well.
I am blessed with my family and thank God for them.
Visit to Ohio
So far I have visited with my brother and sister-in-law and niece. We caught up and went yard-saling and went to lunch at the Chinese buffet. It was a long, fun, tiring day. We also went to visit my sister-in-law's dad for a while, he is almost 85 and still very spry.
The next day I got to visit with my dad and step-mom. He is doing pretty good. It stormed that night; and reminded me of why I do NOT miss Ohio weather.
Also got to visit with my aunt and uncle; she is the one that had bariatic surgery a year or two ago and she is doing much better.
Yesterday, I took my son and his buddy out to lunch at Arby's; and then son and I drove almost an hour further north to one of my best friends' house. I have been visiting here since. It is amazing how after not seeing each other in almost two years, that we can catch up like no time has passed at all.
Tomorrow I pack it up here, go pick up my son and head back to Kentucky. I am looking forward to going home, I have enjoyed the visit; but as the old cliche puts it so well ... There is no place like HOME. Especially after going for a year without a home of my own, I deeply cherish my home each day and am happy and content each morning when I wake up and realize that I am in my own Home Sweet Home. Corny but wonderful.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Back after a while
My third son, Joseph has graduated from Fort Knox and is in the middle of his AIT training. His wife and baby girl came to spend a week with us.
Our new home is way out in the boonies, near a state forest. One of the few not so great things about living here, is that there is no dsl. I currently have a dial-up service that is very taxing on the nerves, after being used to cable speed internet. On the positive side, they only charge $13 a month for it. But on the negative side, it is horrendously slow. So much so that, it takes minutes for each email to load, etc. However, Hughesnet which offers satellite service here charges the better part of $100 a month.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
William Wilson
WILLIAM WILSON was born Abt. 1807 in Virginia, and died unknown.
She was born Abt. 1804 in Russell Co., Virginia, and died Bef. 1862.
i. SOLOMON WILSON, b. Abt. 1827, Virginia.
ii. JAMES PARROTT WILSON, b. Oct 1832, Russell Co., Virginia; d. Bef. 12 Sep 1923; m. ELIZABETH FRASHER, 26 Sep 1860, Wayne Co., (West) Virginia; b. 02 Jan 1828, Cabell Co., (West) Virginia; d. 12 Sep 1923, Wayne Co., West Virginia. [This is my line]
iii. EVELINE WILSON, b. Abt. 1837.
iv. MARY E. WILSON, b. Abt. 1845.
v. JOHN W. WILSON, b. Abt. 1847.
New Squidoo Lens on Making a Christmas Newsletter
New Squidoo Lens on Journaling
Exploding Star Within a Star Wallhanging

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Organization or Lack Thereof - Argh!!
I need to organize:
- my scrapbook supplies - I literally have more than many small stores - I am blessed to have all this but it needs to be organized to be utilized.
- 20+ years of genealogy research - I have almost stopped researching because I need to get a handle on the boxes and computer files I have already made. I still have genealogy in old word-processing files from before I bought my first genealogy management software.
- growing rubber stamp collection - so I won't buy duplicates and so I can find and use what I have bought
- large personal library which includes reading for fun books, craft books, cook books, reference books, etc
- photos - boxes and boxes of photos and according to my computer I have over 19,000!?!? digital photos.
- fabric - I am a quilter - therefore I have lots of fabric.
- paper - oh my! scrapbook paper, cardstock, vellum, chipboard, and not to mention that I adore stationary. I love paper and can't stand to waste it.
These are just the first things that come to mind. I have made many attempts at organizing each of these areas; but seemingly before I can blink they are out of control again.
Of course, life, and having 7 children and 7 grandchildren and 1 on the way complicates things, lol. But they are happy interruptions.
I'm on Squidoo Now - Check it Out
My lens on Squidoo is about Die Cuts for Scrapbooking. Here is the link for it.
I hope you would take a moment to go visit my page and rate it. Thanks!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Emerging ... New Art Doodle

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Stethescope Video
Sunday, February 1, 2009
My Newest Associated Content Article About Jethro Gibbs of NCIS
Saturday, January 31, 2009
New Additions to
(Click Search Records, then Record Search pilot).
1869 Argentina National Census
California, San Francisco Area Funeral Home Records
Canada Census 1916
Costa Rica Church Records
Germany Burials
Ireland, Civil Registration Indexes
Mexico Aguascalientes Catholic Church Records 1616-1961
Netherlands Births and Baptisms
Netherlands Marriages
Netherlands Deaths and Burials
Philippines Marriages
1920 United States Census - Added Alabama
1850 United States Census -- Added Alabama and Indian Population
1850 United States Census (Slave Schedule) -- Added Alabama, Missouri, and South Carolina
1850 United States Census (Mortality Schedule) -- Added Louisiana and Indian Population
1870 United States Census -- Added Pennsylvania
Friday, January 30, 2009
Ice Storm Aftermath
My oldest son's electric was out for 3 days and him and his wife and four little kids had to come stay here until it came back on. Thousands of trees snapped and broke or lost branches from the weight of the ice on them. Many are still without power. Thankfully here we only lost power for a hour or so Tuesday morning. The higher temperature today melted almost all the ice; and now the clean-up efforts begin.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Cricut New Arrival Cartridge

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Butterfly Art Journal Doodle for 17 Jan 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009
Cricut Animal Kingdom

This is a cat die cut from the Cricut Animal Kingdom cartridge.

This is the bear from the same cartridge.

This cartridge also includes:
- Horse
- Pig
- Piglet
- Cow
- Goat
- Duck
- Lamb
- Goose
- Chicken
- Rooster
- Turkey
- Bird
- Bear
- Deer
- Moose
- Skunk
- Raccoon
- Owl
- Squirrel
- Camel
- Elephant
- Hippo
- Ape
- Giraffe
- Kangaroo
- Zebra
- Monkey
- Tiger
- Rhino
- Seal
- Lion
- Polar Bear
- Penguin
- Snake
- Parrot
- Alligator
- Turtle
- Rabbit
- Fishbowl
- Fish
- Frog
- Mouse
- Hound dog
- Lab type dog
- Jack Russell type dog
- Scotty type dog
- Petey type dog
- Cat
- Lying cat
Friday, January 16, 2009
Art Journal Doodle for 15 January 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Twitter Ranking Update
First Attempt at Art Journal Doodle

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
National Quilt Museum
It was so awesome, the outside of the museum has a quilt painted on the side and large stained glass pieces in the window.
It cost $8.00 for adults to get in. The only bad thing was I wanted to touch the quilts so bad -- I was good and didn't. But I WANTED to so bad.
There was a section of miniature quilts that were so unbelievable it was insane. Entire quilt blocks pieced perfectly and they were an inch or even tinier.
The regular size quilts were awesome, they wouldn't allow any photographs, but oh, the sights I saw.
The Sedona Rose by Sharon Schamber was amazing; the back looks like a prize winning quilt itself, it has 130,000 Swavorski crystal on the back. I was sitting on a bench just admiring the back of this quilt, when I volunteer walked up and said, "If you like the back, come around and look at the front!" Wow!
I looked online and found a place you can go look at it:
This thing is unbelievable.
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Saturday, January 10, 2009
My Brinker Family
Edna Brinker (married John Norris), daughter of
John Brinker (married Elva Drake), son of
Henry Brinker (married Susan Miller), son of
Jacob Brinker (married Margaret Poorman), son of
George Brinker (married Mary Wible), son of
Henry Brinker (married Margaret Wise), son of
Jacob Brinker (married Susannah Hinkle), son of
Andreas Brinker (married Regula Herter)
Edna Brinker was born in Wayne Co., Ohio and later moved to Medina Co., Ohio.
John Brinker was born in Ashland Co., Ohio and later lived in Wayne Co., Ohio and Medina Co., Ohio.
Henry Brinker (married Susan Miller) was born in Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania and later moved to Ohio; he lived in Wayne Co., Ohio and Ashland Co., Ohio and Medina Co., Ohio.
Jacob Brinker (married Margaret Poorman) was born in Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania and later moved to Ohio; he lived in Wayne Co., Ohio and Medina Co., Ohio.
George Brinker was born in Northampton Co., Pennsylvania or Monroe Co., Pennsylvania and moved to Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania.
Henry Brinker (married Margaret Wise) was born in Northampton Co., Pennsylvania and later moved to Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania.
Jacob Brinker (married Susannah Hinkle) was born in Rumikon, Elsau Parish, Zurich Canton, Switzerland and later moved to Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania.
Andreas Brinker was born in Rumikon, Elsau Parish, Zurich Canton, Switzerland and later moved to Northampton Co., Pennsylvania.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Ranked #2 in Kentucky on Twitter
Just had to "tweet" my horn, lol.
Dreary January Days Can Be Inspiring
So what do I do to combat that? I have my projects, such as:
organizing and / or decluttering closets, drawers, filing cabinets, etc.
filing papers
updating my genealogy - adding all those little treasures that are fun to find, but tedious to enter into the genealogy database program
In other words, it the task is too boring, tedious, or mundane for funner [is that a word, really?] days, it helps to pass the time now. And by the time you got everything in order and tidy, it will be close to spring, glorious spring!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Has Added New Records
Arizona Death Certificates
265,726 Indexed Records
264,534 Digital Images
West Virginia Births
242,781 Indexed Records
Ten new counties added
West Virginia Deaths
402,154 Indexed Records
Ten new counties added
West Virginia Marriages
393,867 Indexed Records
Ten new counties added
1900 United States Census
826,030 Indexed Records
Added Indian Territory
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Debt Proof Living Contest
Five lucky winners will win lifetime memberships to her site and all the good stuff there.
Debt-Proof Living Newsletter
Rapid Debt-Repayment Plan Calculator
All the other calculators, too
Freedom Account and RDRP Managers
Discussion groups
A whole new financial life
Family Back Home
So the solitude is at an end. However, it had it's effect, I am much more centered and grounded and dealing with them much better.
They opened their Christmas presents from me when they got home. Two youngest kids got denim cathedral windows quilts -- one in red & blue and the other one in all blue.
Got my 2nd son's Army denim cathedral window quilt started, but I am short on the fabric and the local Walmarts don't have it in stock.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Genealogy Organization
Regardless of whether you have just started genealogy today or have been doing it for decades you are some to find her advice helpful.