Thursday, April 9, 2009

Visit to Ohio

This past week, I have been in Ohio. It is spring break for the kids back home in Kentucky. So, my youngest son, begged to come back to Ohio to hang out with one of his best buddies. So I brought him and have been having a vacation / visit myself.

So far I have visited with my brother and sister-in-law and niece. We caught up and went yard-saling and went to lunch at the Chinese buffet. It was a long, fun, tiring day. We also went to visit my sister-in-law's dad for a while, he is almost 85 and still very spry.

The next day I got to visit with my dad and step-mom. He is doing pretty good. It stormed that night; and reminded me of why I do NOT miss Ohio weather.

Also got to visit with my aunt and uncle; she is the one that had bariatic surgery a year or two ago and she is doing much better.

Yesterday, I took my son and his buddy out to lunch at Arby's; and then son and I drove almost an hour further north to one of my best friends' house. I have been visiting here since. It is amazing how after not seeing each other in almost two years, that we can catch up like no time has passed at all.

Tomorrow I pack it up here, go pick up my son and head back to Kentucky. I am looking forward to going home, I have enjoyed the visit; but as the old cliche puts it so well ... There is no place like HOME. Especially after going for a year without a home of my own, I deeply cherish my home each day and am happy and content each morning when I wake up and realize that I am in my own Home Sweet Home. Corny but wonderful.

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