Monday, May 18, 2009

Thrifty Research

I went to the library a few days ago in Hopkinsville and checked out about 9 or so books on thrift. I got The Tightwad Gazette I and The Tightwad Gazette II. I got America's Cheapest Family; 365 Ways to Live Cheap, the Urban Homesteader, Real Simple Organization, Never Throw Out a Banana, and Natural Formulas. I read through them with a pen and notebook to take notes. Also I have these little sticky post-its that are used to mark where to sign a contract. I draw an arrow on the post it note and I can place it exactly on the paragraph that I stopped at; I place a second post at the edge of the page to mark the page easily. I reuse these post-its until they aren't sticky anymore.
So far I haven't finished with any of them, but am half done with the first Tightwad Gazette; and about 2/3rds done with the Never Throw Out a Banana book.
I need to research Hopkinsville Library's Inter-Library Loan rules to see if they will order books for me that they don't have.

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