Artist. Scrapbooker. Quilter. Writer. Art supply junkie. Creative soul exploring.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
My Norris Family
John Norris (married Edna Brinker), son of
Noble Norris (married Nora Moore), son of
George Norris (married Nancy Wilson), son of
John Norris (married Ellen Woods).
John and Noble were born in Wayne Co., West Virginia and later moved to Medina Co., Ohio.
George was born in Lawrence Co., Ohio, moved to Wayne Co., West Virginia and later to Medina Co., Ohio.
John was born possibly in North Carolina, moved to Wythe Co., Virginia; then to Lawrence Co., Ohio and later to Wayne Co., West Virginia.
Genealogy Roll Call of Names I Research
Brinker OH>PA -- decendants of Andreas BRINKER & Regula HERTER who immigrated to America in 1635
Drake from NW OH Silas Drake from Hancock Co., OH
Hubert -- I descend from two Hubert brothers, John G. & Valentine Jerome; KY>BAV
Kinter from OH>PA -- John KINTER & Margaret BANKS of PA
Judd -- from KY, includes The Judds country singers and actress Ashley Judd
Kuchenmeister, Kuckenmeister OH>GER Heinrich KUCHENMEISTER & Carolina FREITAG came to Cleveland, OH area in the 1850s
Norris OH>VA my oldest proven ancestor here is John NORRIS of NC who married Polly SONGER in Wytheville, Virginia; they moved to OH and then he married 2nd Ellen WOODS
Marxmiller KY>GER Diedrich, Henry, Christian MARXMILLER family lived around Covington, KY
Quackenbush from NW OH -- Mrs. Ann Quackenbush had Rowena, Tuneson, Alverado. I have been unable to locate Ann's husband's name.
These names I research, they are ancestors of my children on their paternal side:
Blackburn of Kentucky - David BLACKBURN of Grant Co., KY
Bradfield IN>OH>VA>ENG - Iantha BRADFIELD of Loudoun Co., VA
Heed -- Abraham HEED & Mary/Polly CREM
Plummer of Falmouth, Kentucky
Talbert, variations include: Tolbert, Talbott, Talbot -- Here are main lines that I have traced for a long time:
* John TALBOTT & Sarah LOCKYER of MD
* Richard TALBOTT & Elizabeth EWEN of MD
* Samuel TOLBERT & Keziah TRACY of Belmont Co., OH
Craft Area Organization
Bead, Button and Trim Organization and Storage
I Like Sizzix
Winnie-the-Pooh Denim Cathedral Window Quilt
Norris Genealogy
Uncle Chester Norris and his brother, John Quincy Norris married sisters, Connie Rachel Ball and Ida Rebecca Ball.
Grandpa Noble Norris and brother William Norris also married sisters, Nora Elva Moore and Margaine Moore.
All these Norris boys were the sons of George Norris and Nancy Wilson.
Connie and Ida were the daughters of Hugh Ball and Amanda Jackson.
Nora and Margaine (aka Gaine) were the daughters of John B. Moore, Jr. and Emma Viola Judd.
Happy New Year!
God bless and protect all of our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
I have had the opportunity for the last two days and for about a week more to be alone. I am reveling in it. Having a huge family, peace, solitude and the calmingness of it all is so rare for me.
I feels like I have been out of focus for a while and now in the quietness I can be adjusted ever so slightly back into a clearer focus.
I am not lonely; and it does not mean I don't love my family immensely; but solitude has always been a bit of heaven to me.
Occasionally someone calls and we chat or someone drops by and we visit; but I now that peaceful quietness is waiting with open arms after my visitor goes back to their life. And I savor both experiences as someone savors the most delicious meal of their life.
And besides the quietness and calming; with feeling harried or rushed in the least I am being so very productive, I am loving it.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
This year has been a year of more changes that any in my life.
God is good and faithful; I have a warm roof, clothes and food. All my kids are healthy.
May all you have a wonderful Christmas.
May God protect all of our military members who are sacrificing so that we can have a peaceful Christmas.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Survey Paid
The company is: American Consumer Opinion, aka ACOP.
So they do pay, it isn't much but still it all helps.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Blue and White Log Cabin Quilt

Barbara's Billy Ray Cyrus Quilt

My friend has a sister that is severely mentally challenged. Her sister, Barbara, is crazy in love with Billy Ray Cyrus. She has all his music and scrapbooks with every single picture she can find of him in it. All the music cases and pictures are covered in lip prints as Barbara kisses them all every day. And when she gets a new picture or tape of him she just squeals.

Care Bears Denim Cathedral Windows Quilt

A cool thing about this fabric is that the little clouds that the Care Bears are sitting and lying on glow in the dark. I didn't know that when I bought the fabric. I had been sewing on the quilt; and stopped for the night with the quilt pieces laying on my sewing machine. I turned out the light in the room and for some reason turned around. It startled me at first, because I had no clue what that weird eerie glowing light was from my sewing machine. So I went over to investigate and discovered the fabric glowed in the dark. That is pretty neat and especially for little kids that are scared of the dark.

Again the twinkles were added by me in a photoshop frenzy long ago.
I really like this pattern. How it starts with a circle and then you add a square and the circle wraps around the square making it a square. And when they are all put together it looks like endless interlocking circles.
I think the black stitching resembles the black leading in stained glass windows.
This is totally done on the machine, no hand piecing. i even rotary cut the squares for the insets; and I have a rotary cutting tool that cuts circles to cut the denim background circles.

This is another Denim Cathedral Window quilt this one was for my 3rd son, Joseph. He wanted a Nascar driver named Labonte [I forget his first name]. I searched in every store within the tri-state area to find this fabric finally found a little bit of it at a store 100+ miles away; and had them hold it for me til I got there.
The twinkles on the photo are from when I first was learning photoshop and was really impressed with playing with it.

OSU Quilt
Crazy Quilt Wallhanging

This is a Snowball quilt top; that eventually was finished and sent off to charity. This was mye first quilt that had triangles in it, I believe. But I did not cut or piece triangles. I layered squares and sewed diagonally and then when I opened it triangles appeared. Same technique was used in parts of Tropical Storm at Sea for the small corner diamonds.
Tropical Storm at Sea Close-ups

This is a close-up of the completed quilt. Showing how the colors blended and made a wavy movement for your eyes across the surface of the quilt.
Tropical Storm at Sea

This quilt is an oversized twin quilt made in the traditional Storm at Sea pattern.
However, by fussy cutting and using the tropical colors it gives it a totally different look.
The horizontal elongated diamonds have whales and dolphins or porpoises in them.
The vertical elongated diamonds have ocean backgrounds such as coral or seahorses in it.
The red points form a secondary star pattern.
The four elongated diamonds surrounding the large center diamond give the illusion of circle.
These same elongated diamonds form diagonal waves coursing across the quilt in both directions. The yellow is bits of sunlight piercing down into the watery depths.
The green is algae, kelp and various sea plants.

Denim Cathedral Window quilts

This one was made for a veteran and he wanted it "manly". That was his only stipulation. So the insets are a blue plaid - what could be more manly than that?
The background/back is cut from old denim most from jeans.
This one was a queen size one and it is very heavy and very warm.
Too much to do; too little time
I got a list of things I want to get done before Christmas; some will get done, not sure about all of it.
But I am not going to harass myself because I did what I could; we can not push ourselves to do more and more 24/7/365.
I am always looking for peace but at the same time, I am making huge to do lists; I think there is a connection there. The longer the to do list the less peace there is.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Goodwill contest
This was on my receipt:
Take our survey and enter for a chance to win a $25 Goodwill shopping spree.
No purchase necessary. Must be legal resident of 50 US/DC.
18 or older. Limit 3 entries per month.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Copyright issues for collage artists
Copyright for Collage Artists
It tries to explain what copyright issues a collage artist needs to be aware of.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Trip to Washington, D.C.
Last week, he and all the other recently returning Screaming Eagles at Fort Campbell; got to see the President, when he stopped to thank them for their service - so cool.
Tomorrow's trip is different, it is sad and happy.
It is sad because his buddies and him are going to the VA Hospital in Washington, DC to see their Sergeant. Only days before he was due to come home, this young hero's life was forever changed when his hummer hit a IED [a crudely made bomb] and his arm was blown off.
It is happy because, he is alive and back in the USA.
I feel sorry for this young man that I don't know that gave his arm for his country to defend my freedom. I feel guilty that I am grateful that it wasn't my son; although I know it could have easily been my son... or even my daughter, as my oldest daughter is still deployed to Iraq - a Staff Sergeant in the Air Force, she is on her 3rd deployment.
To all the mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, family members and friends; may your loved ones come home safe and sound as mine have so far. And God willing, they will continue to.
Deployments are a fact of life in my family:
oldest daughter - staff sgt in Air Force.
2nd son - cav scout with 101st Airborne - Screaming Eagle.
3rd son - ships to Basic at Ft Knox in 4 weeks; training to be a tanker crewman and set to deploy in the spring.
4th son - a high school freshman and taking JROTC classes.
God Bless this country and the soldiers fighting to keep it free.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Addressing Christmas Cards and Family History
As you are doing that, if you remember new facts about your family; quickly open up your genealogy management program; and add them. New marriage add it. New baby, add them. Don't worry that you don't have complete details now. Add what you know and then when you find more, you can go back in and edit it. Don't forget that after Christmas presents are open and dinner is served, is a good time to reminisce and you can do some updating then, if you remember to take along some information. A little planning now; will reap rewards later.
Christmas cards for Soldiers update
Every year, you buy a box of Christmas cards; and send out how many you need and have some left. You bought them, paid good money for them, so you aren't going to just throw them away. So you save them. But the next year, you want fresh new cards; so you buy more.
I took all these leftover cards; and then spent a whole whopping $3.00 at Dollar Tree; where I found boxes of 16 cards for $1.00.
This is simple to do. Address them inside to something like, "Dear Soldier". Then I signed them: Thank you! Merry Christmas and my name. Easy peasy, as the kids say. Thank that soldier for paying the price to let you enjoy freedom.
Do it now; even if you just send one, that is another soldier that will know he is appreciated.
If you send multiple cards; mail them in the same large envelope. So I now have all the envelopes left from these cards that I can use to mail out other things. That's a win-win.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Pretty Pink Hat

Monday, November 24, 2008
Brighten a Soldier's Day - Send a Card
Holiday Mail for Heroes
From the front lines to the home front, the American Red Cross provides service members, their families and veterans with the care and assistance they need.
The Red Cross is partnering with Pitney Bowes this holiday season for the Holiday Mail for Heroes campaign. For the second year in a row, we’re collecting holiday cards to distribute to American service members, veterans and their families in the United States and around the world. Pitney Bowes is generously donating technology, resources and postage to make this holiday card program possible.
Our goal is to collect and distribute one million holiday cards to spread holiday cheer and facilitate thanks to these brave individuals and families.
Please send cards to this address, following the guidelines listed below:
Holiday Mail for HeroesPO Box 5456Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456
Card Guidelines
Please follow these guidelines when mailing a card to ensure that your card will quickly reach service members, veterans and their families. Every card received will first be screened for hazardous materials by Pitney Bowes and then reviewed by Red Cross volunteers working in one of 16 sorting stations around the country.
* All cards must be postmarked no later than Wednesday, December 10, 2008. Cards sent after this date will be returned to sender.
* Participants are encouraged to limit the number of cards they submit to 25 from any one person or 50 from any one class or group. If you are mailing a larger quantity, please bundle the cards and place them in large mailing envelopes. Each card does not need its own envelope or postage.
* Please ensure that all cards are signed.
* Please use generic salutations such as “Dear Service Member.” Cards addressed to specific individuals can not be delivered through this program.
* Please send cards as opposed to long letters which delay a quick review process.
* Please do not include email or home addresses on the cards, as the program is not meant to foster pen pal relationships.
* Please do not include inserts of any kind, including photos, as these items will be removed during the reviewing process.
* All cards received may be used in program publicity efforts, including appearing in broadcast, print or online mediums.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Another soldier in the family
a daughter that is a Staff Sergeant in the Air Force
a daughter that is a PFC in the Army National Guard
a son that is a PFC in the Army
my 3rd son called me two nights ago and said he enlisted he will ship off to basic training in the Army in about six weeks.
my 4th son is still in high school and is JROTC.
Not bad out of 7 kids. We are a patriotic family.
Friday, November 21, 2008
One of those days
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Fall Turning to Winter
Thermometer shivered down to 24 degrees last night. Brrrr, nasty. I know farther up north it is worse; but I hate being cold.
Hope you are all warm where you are.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The Turkeys Have Landed!
So cute for Thanksgiving school or church crafts
or Name cards at Thanksgiving dinner.
Check them out
Gingerbread House die cuts Available!
Check it out
Available in your choice of color.
File Folder Die Cuts Available!
You pick your color.
Mini Scallop Cards & Envelopes Available
This one is for 10 Mini Scallop Cards and 10 Matching Scalloped Envelopes.
You can pick your color.
Look here to see them:
Here is a link to my eBay store, Heritage Scraps; you can see what else I have for sale.
Stop by and take a look around.
$1000 Monthly Giveaway from Ryan's Restaurant
Sizzix Alphabet Die Cuts For Sale
Fun Serif
You pick the color you want them.
250+ die cuts in each package.
Check them out at my eBay store, Heritage Scraps
Cricut Message Boards Awesome Resource
There is so much inspiration there, you can get lost for hours.
60 Gelly-O Bookplate Die Cuts in 6 Shapes For Sale
This one is for 60 Gelly-O Bookplate Die Cuts in 6 Shapes.
You can pick your color.
Look here to see them:
Here is a link to my eBay store, Heritage Scraps; you can see what else I have for sale.
Stop by and take a look around.
20 Rectangle and Triangle Tabs Die Cuts For Sale
This one is for 20 Rectangle and Triangle Tabs Die Cuts .
You can pick your color.
Look here to see them:
Here is a link to my eBay store, Heritage Scraps; you can see what else I have for sale.
Stop by and take a look around.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
30 Oval Bookplates Die Cuts For Sale
Look here to see them:
Here is a link to my eBay store, Heritage Scraps; you can see what else I have for sale.
Stop by and take a look around.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Christmas is Coming!
Do you find that exciting or are you starting to freak out a little?
Planning ahead makes it all go smoother.
Here is a really cool site that will tell you to the minute how long til Christmas.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Secret Shopper Survey
Check with your bank to see if they have a Secret Shopper Program. Every little bit helps.
20 Ticket Die Cuts in 2 Sizes For Sale
If your interested in looking, click here
Thanks for looking.
30 Naked Chipboard Scallop Tags in 3 Sizes for Sale
If you are interested, check it out:
100 Different Journaling Tag Die Cuts For Sale
Here is the link
Monday, November 3, 2008
November 5 for 5 Promotion on Epinions - Make up to $25
Epinions November 5 for 5 Promotion Posted: Friday, October 31, 2008 Let's get back to writing! For the month of November, write 5 reviews and earn $5. Your reviews must be submitted on a product in any of these (5) categories: Computers and Software, Electronics, Home and Garden, Kids and Family, and Sports and Outdoors. Maximum payout is $25 per participant during the promotion period. By participating in this promotion, you agree to the Official Rules. Reviews must be 200 words or longer and rated at least 'Somewhat Helpful' by the community to count towards the promotion. Learn more by visiting the 5 for 5 Promotion Official Rules page. Have fun! Christal & The Epinions Team
Here is a link to all of my reviews there; epinions pays based on how many people view your reviews. Hope you stop by and read some. Thanks.
Google Search Bar Added
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Cricut New Arrival Die Cuts List
Pregnant mom with purse, hat, shoes, hair, pants overlays
Umbrella with bow overlay
Words: Baby Shower
Words connected: For, Date, Time, Place, RSVP
Baby in a sling
Stork flying that can go with the baby in a sling
Pile of presents; with bow, tag, and ribbon overlays
Stitched looking card
Word: Congratulations
Words: New Arrival
Connected Words: Name, Date, Time, Weight, Length, Parents
Words: It’s a Boy
Words: It’s a Girl
Word: Twin
Two overlapped hearts
Woman pushing baby stroller with hair, shoes, dress overlays
Baby stroller with trim overlay
Word: Bath time with bubbles overlay
Bathtub with bubbles overlay
Rubber ducky
Crawling baby with diaper overlay
Girl outfit with shirt, panties and clothes hanger
Onesie with clothes hanger
Smiling flower
Smiling butterfly
Baby face with bow overlay
Bassinet with trim overlay
Smiling moon with hat overlay
Diaper bag, opens and closes with teddy bear, bottle and diaper
Diaper pins
Baby booties with bow overlay
Baby bottle with nipple and ring overlay
Baby rattle with trim overlay
Words: Little One
Baby feet
Sitting baby with arms out; with bow and diaper overlay
Teddy bear
Bunny stuffed animal
Airplane with cloud, wing, propeller and banner overlays
Pickup truck
Choo choo train
Pea pod with baby face that fits in it
Words: Sweet Pea
Word: Baby
Words: I am small
Words: I am big
Word: Love
Words: For you
Words: Thank you
Confetti, hearts, star, pacifier, baby bottle, moon
Circle charm
Place card
Envelope with optional window
Envelope 2
Product Review: Cricut New Arrival Shapes Cartridge
You can read it here: is a site where you can join and get paid for writing product reviews. They page based on the number of people that view your review.
I have personally been paid by this site.
If you are interested in seeing all my reviews, you can check out this page.
New product review: Simple Scrapbooks Magazine
You can read it here: is a site where you can join and get paid for writing product reviews. They page based on the number of people that view your review. I have personally been paid by this site.
If you are interested in seeing all my reviews, you can check out this page.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Flickr account
Here is a link to my Flicker Photostream
Cricut List
I currently have the following Cricut cartridges:
Animal Kingdom
Fabulous Finds
50 States
George and Basic Shapes
Going Places
Mickey and Friends
New Arrival
Paper Doll Dress Up
Plantin Schoolbook
Paper Doll Dress Up
Cricut cartridges are something else you can adjust the sizes of the die cuts and each cartridge can have 1000s of variations and different die cuts on it.
Master List of Die Cuts
Airplane (38-0126), Sizzix
Album Cover & Page Inserts (38-1137), Sizzix
Album Page (654567), Sizzix Black
Ancient Document (38-1099), Sizzix
Angel (38-0239), Sizzix
Apple (38-0197), Sizzix
Artist Brush & Palette, Punchkin
Award (38-0139), Sizzix
Baby Block Set: Baby Block A (38-9685), Sizzix Sizzlet
Baby Block Set: Baby Block B (38-9685), Sizzix Sizzlet
Baby Block Set: Baby Block Teddy Bear (38-9685), Sizzix Sizzlet
Baby Block Set: Baby Block Y (38-9685), Sizzix Sizzlet
Baby Booties, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Baby Bottle (38-0265), Sizzix
Baby Carriage (38-0264), Sizzix
Baby in a Sling ( to hang from stork's beak), Cricut New Arrival
Babyface Moon, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Ball & Boots (volleyball and cleats), Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Balloons #1 (38-0147), Sizzix
Balloons #2 (38-0146), Sizzix
Balloons #2, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Bamboo (38-0907), Sizzix
Banner (38-0167), Sizzix
Baseball Hat (38-0294), Sizzix
Baseball Gear (38-0289), Sizzix [mitt, ball & bat]
Basic Paper Clips (38-1197), Sizzix
Basic Hair, Mini, Punchkin
Basketball (38-0292), Sizzix
Bat (38-0251), Sizzix
Bathtub (38-0129), Sizzix
Beach Ball #2, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Beach Set #2: Beach Chair, Sizzix Sizzlet
Beach Set #2: Beach Umbrella, Sizzix Sizzlet
Beach Set #2: Footprint, Sizzix Sizzlet
Beach Set #2: Sandal, Sizzix Sizzlet
Belt & Trousers, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Bicycle (38-0127), Sizzix
Bird (38-0258), Sizzix
Birthday Cake w/Candle (38-0713), Sizzix
Bitty Body (38-0114), Sizzix
Bitty Boy Hair #1 (38-0116), Sizzix
Bitty Dresses (38-0120), Sizzix
Bitty Girl Hair #1 (38-0115), Sizzix
Bitty Overalls (38-0118), Sizzix (overalls & baseball cap)
Bitty Pajamas & Bear (38-0121), Sizzix
Bitty Shorts & Top (38-0117), Sizzix
Bitty Swimsuit (38-0119), Sizzix
Bitty Tall Guy, Wildcard & Envelope (38-1152), Sizzix
Blazing Sun (38-0906), Sizzix
Block (38-0273), Sizzix
Blouse, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Book, Open (38-0708), Sizzix
Bookplates, Designer (38-1056), Sizzix
Bookplates, Gelly-O (38-1192), Sizzix
Bookplates, Oval (38-1055), Sizzix
Bookplates, Traditional (38-1054), Sizzix
Boots, Punchkin
Border, Heart (38-0159), Sizzix
Border, Mountain (38-0186), Sizzix
Bottles, Glass & Corks (38-1059), Sizzix
Bow (38-0153), Sizzix
Bowed Frame, Fiskars
Box, Takeout (22205), Ellison Thick Cuts
Branch & Leaves (38-0181), Sizzix
Bread Tags (38-1205), Sizzix
Bride, Sizzix Sizzlet [Wedding Set]
Bride Phrase, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Bubbles (38-0201), Sizzix
Buckles, Charms (38-1049), Sizzix
Bugs, Itty Bitty #2 (38-0986), Sizzix
Bunny (38-0260), Sizzix
Bunny #2 (38-0703), Sizzix
Bus Back (38-0132), Sizzix
Butterfly #1 (38-0230), Sizzix
Butterfly #3 (38-0229), Sizzix
Butterfly & Dragonfly Paper Sculpting (38-1182), Sizzix
Button Set: Button #1 (38-9690), Sizzix Sizzlet
Button Set: Button #2 (38-9690), Sizzix Sizzlet
Button Set: Button #3 (38-9690), Sizzix Sizzlet
Button Set: Button #4 (38-9690), Sizzix Sizzlet
Cactus (38-0180), Sizzix
Cake w/Candle, Birthday (38-0713), Sizzix
Campfire (38-0174), Sizzix
Candles (38-0151), Sizzix
Candy, Peppermint (38-0245), Sizzix
Candy Cane (38-0238), Sizzix
Car (38-0125), Sizzix
Car Front (38-0133), Sizzix
Card & Envelope, Mini Elegant (38-1163), Sizzix
Card & Envelope, Mini Scallop (38-1142), Sizzix
Card, Rectangle Window (38-1100), Sizzix
Cards & Envelopes, Tiny (654590), Sizzix newer smooth w/peel-off label
Cat (38-0280), Sizzix
Caterpillar, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Cattail Flower (38-0974), Sizzix
Cell Phone & Handbag, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Champagne Bottle & Cork, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Champagne Glass (38-0700), Sizzix
Charms, Buckles (38-1049), Sizzix
Charms, Flowers #1 (654593) Sizzix Black
Charms, Frames (38-1052), Sizzix
Charms, Funky Squares (38-1053), Sizzix
Cherry (38-0910), Sizzix
Chili (38-0937), Sizzix
Christmas Light (38-0243), Sizzix
Christmas Tree (38-0177), Sizzix
Circle 1 1/2", Ellison Window Cuts
Circle 1 3/4", Ellison Window Cuts
Circles (none available), Ellison Thick Cuts
Classic Uppercase A, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase B, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase C, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase D, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase E, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase F, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase G, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase H, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase I, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase J, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase K, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase L, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase M, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase N, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase O, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase P, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase Q, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase R, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase S, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase T, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase U, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase V, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase W, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase X, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase Y, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Uppercase Z, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase A, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase B, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase C, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase D, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase E, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase F, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase G, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase H, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase I, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase J, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase K, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase L, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase M, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase N, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase O, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase P, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase Q, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase R, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase S, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase T, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase U, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase V, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase W, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase X, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase Y, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Lowercase Z, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Number O, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Number 1, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Number 2, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Number 3, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Number 4, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Number 5, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Number 6, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Number 7, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Number 8, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Number 9, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Punctuation Ampersand, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Punctuation Dash / Hyphen, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Punctuation Number Sign, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Punctuation Exclamation Point, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Punctuation Dollar Sign, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Punctuation Period / Comma, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Punctuation Question Mark, Sizzix Sizzlet
Classic Punctuation Quotation Marks, Sizzix Sizzlet
Clipboard & Holder (38-1196), Sizzix
Clips, Basic (38-1197), Sizzix
Clock, Grandfather (38-1102), Sizzix
Clock Hands (38-1103), Sizzix
Cloud #1 (38-0189), Sizzix
Coin Holder, Frame, Slide Mounts (38-1106), Sizzix
Colander (38-0904), Sizzix
Confetti (38-0148), Sizzix
Corner Frame (38-0162), Sizzix
Cornucopia (38-0710), Sizzix
Cowboy Hat (38-0287), Sizzix
Cracked Egg (38-0257), Sizzix
Crayon (38-0142), Sizzix
Crescent Moon (38-0275), Sizzix
Crescent Tag Combo (38-0942), Sizzix
Cupcake & Ice Cream (654612), Sizzix Black
Cupid (38-0701), Sizzix
Daisy #3 (38-0928), Sizzix
Daisy, Paper Sculpting (38-1135), Sizzix
Diaper, Punchkin
Designer Bookplates (38-1056), Sizzix
Dingbats #1 (654705), Sizzix Bigz
Document, Ancient (38-1099), Sizzix
Dog (38-0279), Sizzix
Dog Dish & Bone (38-0921), Sizzix
Dog Tags (38-1161), Sizzix
Dogwood w/Stem Flower (38-0929), Sizzix
Doll Body (38-0100), Sizzix
Doll Bath Accessories (38-0110), Sizzix
Doll Bath Clothes (38-0109), Sizzix
Doll Bedtime Accessories (38-0112), Sizzix
Doll Bedtime Bear (38-0111), Sizzix
Doll Boy Hair #1 (38-0102), Sizzix
Doll Cowboy Accessories (38-0105), Sizzix
Doll Dresses (38-0103), Sizzix
Doll Girl Hair #1 (38-0101),Sizzix
Doll Graduation (38-0113), Sizzix
Doll Overalls (38-0104), Sizzix (includes shirt, shorts, & overalls)
Doll Shoes #1 (38-0123), Sizzix
Doll Sports Gear #1 (38-0122), Sizzix
Doll Summer Accessories (38-0108), Sizzix
Doll Summer Clothes (38-0107), Sizzix
Doll Winter Clothes (38-0106), Sizzix (Hat, Mittens, Scarf, Coat/Robe)
Dolphin (38-0198), Sizzix
Dolphin, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Doodle Tag Uppercase A, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase B, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase C, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase D, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase E, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase F, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase G, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase H, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase I, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase J, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase K, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase L, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase M, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase N, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase O, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase P, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase Q, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase R, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase S, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase T, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase U, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase V, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase W, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase X, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase Y, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Uppercase Z, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Question Mark, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase A, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase B, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase C, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase D, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase E, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase F, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase G, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase H, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase I, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase J, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase K, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase L, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase M, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase N, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase O, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase P, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase Q, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase R, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase S, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase T, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase U, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase V, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase W, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase X, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase Y, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Lowercase Z, Sizzix
Doodle Tag Blank, Sizzix
Double Heart (38-0263), Sizzix
Dove (38-0255), Sizzix
Dragonfly (38-0232), Sizzix
Dress & Accessories (38-1198), Sizzix
Dress Ups Body (654972), Sizzix newer, smooth w/peel-off label (body, T-shirt & shorts)
Dress Ups Boy Hair (654974), Sizzix newer, smooth w/peel-off label
Dress Ups Dresses & Shoes (654975), Sizzix newer smooth w/peel-off label
Dress Ups Girl Hair (654973), Sizzix newer, smooth w/peel-off label
Dress Ups Overalls (654977), Sizzix N=newer, smooth (overalls, shirt, sandals & dump truck)
Egg, Cracked (38-0257), Sizzix
Eggs (38-0261), Sizzix
Elegant Frame, Fiskars
Elephant (38-0267), Sizzix
Engagement Ring w/Box, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Envelope 2"x2-3/4" (22212) Ellison Thick Cuts
Envelope & Stamp (38-1144), Sizzix
Envelope, Manilla (38-1104), Sizzix
Envelope, Petal Square (654521), Sizzix newer smooth w/peel-off label
Eye Make Up, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Eyelet Washers #1 (38-1057), Sizzix
Eyelet Washers # 2 (38-1058), Sizzix
Family (22280), Sizzix Thin Cuts Decorative Strip
Fence, Picket (38-0213), Sizzix
Fern (38-0226), Sizzix
File Folder (38-1105), Sizzix
Filmstrip (38-0140), Sizzix
Firecracker (38-0297), Sizzix
Fish (38-0200), Sizzix
Flag (38-0706), Sizzix
Flip Flops, Punchkin
Flippers, Punchkin
Flower, Ellison Window Cuts
Flower, Cattail (38-0974), Sizzix
Flower, Daisy #1 (38-0223), Sizzix
Flower, Daisy #3 (38-0928), Sizzix
Flower, Dogwood w/Stem (38-0929), Sizzix
Flower, Rose (38-0209), Sizzix
Flower #1 (38-0224), Sizzix
Flower Vine (655130), Sizzix Thin Cuts Decorative Strip
Flowers (38-0704), Sizzix
Folder, File (38-1105), Sizzix
Football & Helmet (38-0290), Sizzix
Footprint (38-0277), Sizzix
Footprint, Sizzix Sizzlit
Forest (38-9718), Sizzix Sizzlit Decorative Strip
Frame, Corner (38-0162), Sizzix
Frame, Jelly (38-0166), Sizzix
Frame, Puzzle (38-1126), Sizzix
Frame, Scallop (38-0165), Sizzix
Frame, Scallop Oval (38-0306), Sizzix
Frame, Silde Holder (38-1158), Sizzix
Frame, Slide Mounts & Coin Holder (38-1106), Sizzix
Frame, Stamp (38-1121), Sizzix
Frame Vintage, Sizzix Sizzlet [Vintage Set]
Frame, Zigzag (38-0164), Sizzix
Frames, Charms (38-1052), Sizzix
Frog (38-0270), Sizzix
Fruit (38-0712), Sizzix; fits in Cornucopia
Fruit & Leaves (38-0905), Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase A, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase B, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase C, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase D, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase E, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase F, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase G, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase H, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase I, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase J, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase K, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase L, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase M, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase N, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase O, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase P, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase Q, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase R, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase S, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase T, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase U, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase V, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase W, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase X, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase Y, Sizzix
Fun Serif Uppercase Z, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase A, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase B, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase C, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase D, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase E, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase F, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase G, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase H, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase I, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase J, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase K, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase L, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase M, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase N, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase O, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase P, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase Q, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase R, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase S, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase T, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase U, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase V, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase W, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase X, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase Y, Sizzix
Fun Serif Lowercase Z, Sizzix
Fun Serif Number O, Sizzix
Fun Serif Number 1, Sizzix
Fun Serif Number 2, Sizzix
Fun Serif Number 3, Sizzix
Fun Serif Number 4, Sizzix
Fun Serif Number 5, Sizzix
Fun Serif Number 6/9, Sizzix
Fun Serif Number 7, Sizzix
Fun Serif Number 8, Sizzix
Fun Serif Punctuation Ampersand [&], Sizzix
Fun Serif Punctuation Exclamation Point / Period, Sizzix
Fun Serif Punctuation Number Sign [#], Sizzix
Fun Serif Punctuation Quotation Marks / Comma, Sizzix
Fun Serif Punctuation Question Mark, Sizzix
Funky Squares, Charms (38-1053), Sizzix
Gelly-O, Bookplates (38-1192), Sizzix
Ghosts (38-0252), Sizzix
Gifts (38-0152), Sizzix
Gingerbread House (38-0234), Sizzix
Gingerbread Man (38-0932), Sizzix
Girl Shoes (Medium), Punchkin
Glass Bottles & Corks (38-1059), Sizzix
Glass, Champagne (38-0700), Sizzix
Golf, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts ( club, ball, flag)
Grandfather Clock (38-1102), Sizzix
Grass (38-0182), Sizzix
Green Tree (38-0176), Sizzix
Groom, Sizzix Sizzlet [Wedding Set]
Groom Phrase, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Hair, Basic Mini, Punchkin
Hair Ribbon, Punchkin
Hair Sprout (small), Punchkin
Hammer & Nail (38-0300), Sizzix
Handbag & Cell Phone, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Handle, Photo Turns, Hinges & Latches (38-1107), Sizzix
Happy Birthday (655131), Sizzix Decorative Strip
Happy Birthday Phrase & Favors #2 (654363), Sizzix Decorative Strip
Hat, Cowboy (38-0287), Sizzix
Haunted House (38-0249), Sizzix
Heart, Ellison Window Cuts
Heart (heart in wavy box), Sizzix Sizzlit
Heart #1 (38-0800), Sizzix
Heart Border (38-0159), Sizzix
Heart, Double (38-0263), Sizzix
Hearts (38-0157), Sizzix [4 graduated sizes]
Hearts (3 hearts in wavy box), Sizzix Sizzlit
Hearts (38-0991), Sizzix [3 doodlebug design]
Hearts, Primitive (38-0158), Sizzix
Hearts, Tipsy (22315), Ellison Thick Cuts
Hinges, Latches, Handle & Photo Turns (38-1107), Sizzix
Home Sweet Home #2 (654616), Sizzix newer; smooth w/ peel-off label
Horse (38-0266), Sizzix
Hourglass & Pocket Watch (38-1110), Sizzix
House, Gingerbread (38-0234), Sizzix
House, Haunted (38-0249), Sizzix
Ice Cream Cone (38-0194), Sizzix
Itty Bitty Bugs # 2 (38-0986), Sizzix
Jack-O-Lantern (38-0709), Sizzix
Jar & Label (38-0299), Sizzix
Jelly Beans (38-0262), Sizzix
Jelly Frame (38-0166), Sizzix
June Bug, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Key, Skeleton (38-0924), Sizzix
Keys, Skeleton (38-1108), Sizzix
Ladybug (38-0253), Sizzix
Large Sun (38-0184), Sizzix
Latches, Handle, Photo Turns & Hinges (38-1107), Sizzix
Leaf #1 (38-0218), Sizzix
Leaf #1, Large (38-0915), Sizzix
Leaf #1, Tiny (38-0215), Sizzix
Leaf #2 (38-0216), Sizzix
Leaf #2, Tiny (38-0218), Sizzix
Leaf #3 (38-0220), Sizzix
Leaf #3, Tiny (38-0217), Sizzix
Leaf #4 (38-0221), Sizzix
Leaf, Maple (38-0911), Sizzix
Leaf, Stem (38-0227), Sizzix
Leaf Trio (38-0222), Sizzix
Library Card Pocket (38-1145), Sizzix
Light, Christmas (38-0243), Sizzix
Lilac, Paper Sculpting (38-1121), Sizzix
Locks (38-1109), Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase A, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase B, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase C, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase D, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase E, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase F, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase G, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase H, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase J, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase J, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase K, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase L, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase M, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase N, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase O, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase P, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase Q, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase R, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase S, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase T, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase U, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase V, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase W, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase X, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase Y, Sizzix
Lollipop Uppercase Z, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase A, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase B, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase C, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase D, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase E, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase F, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase G, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase H, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase I, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase J, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase K, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase L, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase M, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase N, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase O, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase P, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase Q, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase R, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase S, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase T, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase U, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase V, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase W, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase X, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase Y, Sizzix
Lollipop Lowercase Z, Sizzix
Lollipop Number 0, Sizzix
Lollipop Number 1, Sizzix
Lollipop Number 2, Sizzix
Lollipop Number 3, Sizzix
Lollipop Number 4, Sizzix
Lollipop Number 5, Sizzix
Lollipop Number 6/9, Sizzix
Lollipop Number 7, Sizzix
Lollipop Number 8, Sizzix
Lollipop Punctuation Ampersand [&], Sizzix
Lollipop Punctuation Exclamation Point /Period, Sizzix
Lollipop Punctuation Number Sign [#], Sizzix
Lollipop Punctuation Quotation Marks / Comma, Sizzix
Lollipop Punctuation Question Mark, Sizzix
Long Pentagon A (38-0730), Sizzix
Long Pentagon B (38-0729), Sizzix
Love (connected word in frame), Sizzix Sizzlit
Luggage Tag #1 (38-1146), Sizzix
Luggage Tag #2 (38-1147), Sizzix
Mailbox (38-1148), Sizzix
Mailbox (flag up with love letter inside), Sizzix Sizzlit
Manila Envelope (38-1104), Sizzix
Maple Leaf (38-0911), Sizzix
Matchbook Cover & Page (38-1128), Sizzix
Megaphone (38-0296), Sizzix
Mini Elegant Card & Envelope (38-1163), Sizzix
Mini Scallop Card & Envelope (38-1142), Sizzix
Mini Shopping Bag (38-1140), Sizzix
Mini Tags (38-1207), Sizzix
Mittens (38-0240), Sizzix
Moon, Crescent (38-0275), Sizzix
Mountain Border (38-0186), Sizzix
Music Notes (38-0278), Sizzix
Octagon #1 (38-0804), Sizzix
Old Fashioned Shoe, Sizzix Sizzlet [Vintage Set]
Open Book (38-0708), Sizzix
Ornament (38-0242), Sizzix
Oval 1 1/8" x 1 5/8", Ellison Window Cuts
Oval #2 (38-0815), Sizzix
Oval Bookplates (38-1055), Sizzix
Oval Tags (22301), Ellison Thick Cuts
Pants, Medium, Punchkin
Paper Clips (38-1164), Sizzix
Paper Clips, Basic (38-1197), Sizzix
Paper Sculpting, Butterfly & Dragonfly (38-1182), Sizzix
Paper Sculpting, Daisy (38-1135), Sizzix
Paper Sculpting, Lilac (38-1119), Sizzix
Parchment (38-0979), Sizzix
Party Favor (38-0149), Sizzix
Party Hat (38-0150), Sizzix
Paw Print (38-0281), Sizzix
Peppermint Candy (38-0245), Sizzix
Petal Square Envelope (654521), Sizzix newer smooth w/peel-off label
Photo Corner, Sizzix Sizzlet [Vintage Set]
Photo Corners (38-0145), Sizzix
Photo Turns, Hinges, Latches & Handle (38-1107), Sizzix
Phrase, Bride, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Phrase, Groom, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Picket Fence (38-0213), Sizzix
Pig (38-0269), Sizzix
Pine Tree (38-0178), Sizzix
Pineapple (38-0918), Sizzix
Plant Pots (38-0212), Sizzix
Pocket (38-0900), Sizzix
Pocket Watch & Hourglass (38-1110), Sizzix
Pointed Oval A (38-0726), Sizzix
Pointed Oval B (38-0727), Sizzix
Pointed Oval C 2-3/4" (38-0725), Sizzix
Postage Stamp, EK Success thumb punch
Pregnant mom with purse, hat, shoes, hair, pants overlays, Cricut New Arrival
Primitive Hearts (38-0158), Sizzix
Primitive Stars (38-0155), Sizzix
Prom Embellishments (654398), Sizzix Decorative Strip
Pumpkin (38-0254), Sizzix
Purse (22151), Ellison Thick Cuts
Purse & Accessories (38-1201), Sizzix
Purse, Shoe & Hat (38-0995), Sizzix
Puzzle Frame (38-1126), Sizzix Black
Ransom Alphabet B, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet C, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet D, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet E, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet F, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet G, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet H, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet I, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet J, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet K, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet L, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet M, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet N, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet O, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet P, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet Q, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet R, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet S, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet T, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet U, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet V, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet W, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet X, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet Y, Sizzix
Ransom Alphabet Z, Sizzix
Ransom Blank, Sizzix
Ransom Number 1, Sizzix
Ransom Number 2, Sizzix
Ransom Number 3, Sizzix
Ransom Number 4, Sizzix
Ransom Number 5, Sizzix
Ransom Number 6/9, Sizzix
Ransom Number 7, Sizzix
Ransom Number 8, Sizzix
Ransom Question Mark, Sizzix
Rectangle #1 (38-0810), Sizzix
Rectangle #2 (38-0811), Sizzix
Rectangle & Triangle Tabs (38-1062), Sizzix
Rectangle Tab (38-1060), Sizzix
Rectangle Window Card (38-1100), Sizzix
Rings, Sizzix Sizzlet [Wedding Set]
Rose Flower (38-0209), Sizzix
Rounded Corner A (38-0719), Sizzix
Rounded Corner B (38-0720), Sizzix
Sailboat (38-0124) Sizzix
Sandal (like flip-flop), Sizzix Sizzlit
Sandals, Punchkin
Santa Head (38-0233), Sizzix
Santa Head (23345), Ellison Thick Cuts
Scallop Frame, Fiskars
Scallop Frame (38-0165), Sizzix
Scallop Oval Frame (38-0306), Sizzix
Scallop Tag Combo (38-0944), Sizzix
School Supplies (38-0923), Sizzix [pencil, glue, notebook paper]
Script Uppercase A w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase B w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase C w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase D w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase E w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase F w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase G w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase H w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase I w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase J w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase K w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase L w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase M w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase N w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase O w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase P w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase Q w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase R w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase S w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase T w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase U w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase V w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase W w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase X w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase Y w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Uppercase Z w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase A w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase B w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase C w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase D w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase E w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase F w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase G w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase H w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase I w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase J w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase K w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase L w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase M w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase N w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase O w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase P w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase Q w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase R w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase S w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase T w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase U w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase V w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase W w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase X w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase Y w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Lowercase Z w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Number 0, w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Number 1, w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Number 2, w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Number 3, w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Number 4, w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Number 5, w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Number 6/9, w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Number 7, w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Number 8, w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Punctuation Ampersand [&] w/shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Punctuation Dash / Hyphen w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Punctuation Number Sign [#] w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Punctuation Exclamation Point w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Punctuation Dollar Sign w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Punctuation Period / Comma w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Punctuation Question Mark w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Script Punctuation Quotation Marks w/ shadow, Sizzix Sizzlet
Scroll (38-0138), Sizzix
Seashell #1 (38-0202), Sizzix (conch)
Seashell #2 (38-0203), Sizzix (clamshell)
ShadowBox Alphabet A w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet B w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet C w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet D w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet E w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet F w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet G w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet H w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet I w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet J w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet K w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet L w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet M w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet N w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet O w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet P w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet Q w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet R w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet S w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet T w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet U w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet V w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet W w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet X w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet Y w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Alphabet Z w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Number 1 w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Number 2 w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Number 3 w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Number 4 w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Number 5 w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Number 6/9 w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Number 7 w/shadow, Sizzix
ShadowBox Number 8 w/shadow, Sizzix
Shaker Box (38-1162), Sizzix
Shamrock (38-0702), Sizzix
Sheep (38-0259), Sizzix
Shoe, Old Fashioned, Sizzix Sizzlet [Vintage Set]
Shoe, Tennis (38-0295), Sizzix
Shoes (Medium), Punchkin
Shorts, Punchkin
Skeleton Key (38-0924), Sizzix
Skeleton Keys (38-1108), Sizzix
Slide Holder Frame (38-1158), Sizzix
Slide Mounts, Frame, & Coin Holder (38-1106), Sizzix
Soccer Ball (38-0293), Sizzix
Socks, Punchkin
Square 1 1/4" x 1 1/4", Ellison Window Cuts
Square 1 5/8" x 1 5/8", Ellison Window Cuts
Squares (38-0304), Sizzix Black
Stamp, Ellison Window Cuts
Stamp Frame (38-1121), Sizzix
Star (38-0241), Sizzix
Star #3 (38-0809), Sizzix
Starfish (38-0205), Sizzix
Stars, Primitive (38-0155), Sizzix
Stem Leaf (38-0227), Sizzix
Stitched looking card, Cricut New Arrival
Stocking (38-0237), Sizzix
Stork, Flying (goes with Baby in a Sling), Cricut New Arrival
Sun, Blazing (38-0906), Sizzix
Sun, Large (38-0184), Sizzix
Sun #2 (38-0707), Sizzix
Sunshine Window (38-1209), Sizzix
Super Crescent Tag (38-0948), Sizzix
Super Scallop Tag (38-0946), Sizzix
Super Traditional Tag (38-0947), Sizzix
Surfboard (none available), Sizzix Extended Cuts
Swirls, Multi (38-0160), Sizzix
Tab, Rectangle (38-1060), Sizzix
Tabs, Rectangle & Triangle (38-1062), Sizzix
Tag, Crescent (2 sizes), Sizzix Sizzlit
Tag, Funky, Ellison Window Cuts
Tag, Oval (2 sizes), Sizzix Sizzlit
Tag, Rectangle, Ellison Window Cuts
Tag, Round, Ellison Window Cuts
Tag, Scallop (2 sizes), Sizzix Sizzlit
Tag, Traditional, Ellison Window Cuts
Tag, Traditional (2 sizes), Sizzix Sizzlit
Tag, Super Crescent (38-0948), Sizzix
Tag, Super Scallop (38-0946), Sizzix
Tag, Super Traditional (38-0947), Sizzix
Tag Set (38-0236), Sizzix [one crescent, one traditional]
Tags, Bread (38-1205), Sizzix
Tags, Crescent Combo (38-0942), Sizzix
Tags, Dog (38-1161), Sizzix
Tags, Mini (38-1207), Sizzix
Tags, Oval (22301), Ellison Thick Cuts
Tags, Scallop Combo (38-0944), Sizzix
Tags, Traditional Combo (38-0943), Sizzix
Takeout Box (22205), Ellison Thick Cuts
Teacup (38-0902), Sizzix
Teapot (38-0908), Sizzix
Teddy Bear (38-0272), Sizzix
Teddy Bear #1 (with extra large head), Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Telephone (38-1122), Sizzix
Telephone & Diary (38-1200), Sizzix
Tennis Shoe (38-0295) Sizzix
Tickets (38-1111), Sizzix
Tiny Cards & Envelopes (654590), Sizzix newer smooth w/peel-off label
Tipsy Hearts (22315), Ellison Thick Cuts
Toast, Butter & Jam (38-0914), Sizzix
Toaster (38-0912), Sizzix
Traditional Bookplates (38-1054), Sizzix
Traditional Tag Combo (38-0943), Sizzix
Train (654967), Sizzix Decorative Strip
Train Engine (38-0135) Sizzix
Tree, Christmas (38-0177), Sizzix
Tree, Green (38-0176), Sizzix
Tree, Pine (38-0178), Sizzix
Triangle, Ellison Window Cuts
Triangle & Rectangle Tabs (38-1062), Sizzix
Trousers & Belt, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cut (hippie style)
Trunk, Sizzix Sizzlet [Vintage Set]
Turkey (38-0248), Sizzix
Turtle (38-0271), Sizzix
Tyrannosaurus Rex (38-0284) Sizzix
Umbrella with bow overlay, Cricut New Arrival
Underpants, Punchkin
Victorian Frame, Fiskars
Vintage Frame, Sizzix Sizzlet [Vintage Set]
Vintage Set: Frame Vintage (38-9704), Sizzix Sizzlet
Vintage Set: Photo Corner (38-9704), Sizzix Sizzlet
Vintage Set: Shoe Old Fashioned (38-9704), Sizzix Sizzlet
Vintage Set: Trunk (38-9704), Sizzix Sizzlet
Wagon (38-0137), Sizzix
Wand, Sizzix Ellison Thin Cuts
Washers, Eyelet #1 (38-1057), Sizzix
Washers, Eyelet #2 (38-1058), Sizzix
Watch, Pocket & Hourglass (38-1110), Sizzix
Watering Can (38-0705), Sizzix
Watermelon (38-0196), Sizzix
Wave (38-0130), Sizzix
Wave Frame, Fiskars
Wedding Cake, Sizzix Sizzlet [Wedding Set]
Wedding Rings, Sizzix Sizzlet [Wedding Set]
Wedding Set: Bride (38-9617), Sizzix Sizzlet
Wedding Set: Groom (38-9617), Sizzix Sizzlet
Wedding Set: Rings (38-9617), Sizzix Sizzlet
Wedding Set: Wedding Cake (38-9617), Sizzix Sizzlet
Wildcard & Envelope, Bitty Tall Guy (38-1152), Sizzix
Window & Frame Making Set (38-9684), Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Box, Funky #1, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set -Box, Funky #2, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Box, Funky #3, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Box, Funky #4, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Box, Wavy #1, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Box, Wavy #2, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Circle #1, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Circle #2, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Circle #3, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Circle Trio, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Diamond, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Heart #2, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Heart #3, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Heart, Primitive #1, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Heart, Primitive #2, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Oval #1, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Oval #2, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Oval #3, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Oval, Long #1, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Oval, Long #2, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Oval, Long #3, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Oval Trio, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Rectangle #1, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Rectangle #2, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Rectangle #3, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Rectangle Trio, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Square #1, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Square #2, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Square #3, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Square Trio, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Star #2, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Star, Primitive, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Triangle #1, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Triangle #2, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window & Frame Making Set - Window Stamp, Sizzix Sizzlet
Window Rectangle Card (38-1100), Sizzix
Window, Sunshine (38-1209), Sizzix
Wingo Zingo Alphabet (654900), Sizzix Decorative Strip
Wood Sign (38-0168), Sizzix
Words: Baby Shower, Cricut New Arrival
Word: Congratulations, Cricut New Arrival
Word: Twin, Cricut New Arrival
Words: It's a Boy, Cricut New Arrival
Words: It's a Girl, Cricut New Arrival
Words: New Arrival, Cricut New Arrival
Words connected: For, Date, Time, Place, RSVP, Cricut New Arrival
ZigZag Frame (38-0164), Sizzix
Embellishing Die Cuts Article
Die cuts are so popular because they add so much to your project. The die cuts can be embellished in so many ways. Embellishing them makes them prettier and more artistic.
Here is an article about many ways to embellish your die cuts; I published it on Associated Content.
If you want to read it, go here:
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Welcome back
I have been volunteering since May at the Pratt Museum on Fort Campbell Army Post. I am their OPOC (Organizational Point of Contact) for their volunteers; and I am cataloging their library holdings.