Friday, November 26, 2010

Post Thanksgiving

Well Thanksgiving is over and it was a nice day, started out warm and by night we had snow and ice on the ground.  Only three of the seven kids made it this year; but heard from all that couldn't make it.  My youngest two still live at home, although as older teens I don't see them as much, they are busy with school, sports and socializing.  My oldest son is in college, but lives in town, so he came over.  Two of the ones that couldn't make it are in college, my son in Ohio; and my daughter in Florida plus she is active duty down there doing Honor Guard at veteran funerals.  My third son is currently deployed in Iraq, but he got to call.  My oldest daughter is currently deployed in Afghanistan but she was able to call also.

Have another hat for Christmas half done.  Today I cut all the circles for a denim cathedral window quilt, I am using Army uniforms in place of the denim in this one.

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