Monday, May 23, 2011

Another Card From My Bits & Pieces Drawer

The other night I got on a slight crafty binge and did a bunch of cardmaking.  I like using up the little bits and pieces of stuff that are too good to throw out, but your not sure what to do with them.  I like to make cards with them.

Here is the next one:

This card was made from light cardstock.  The image is rubber stamp, that I colored in with copic markers, then the background and the torn edge was inked with a pink ink pad.

This is a nice feminine all purpose card; that can be used for a just because note or any other reason.  Having these cards all made up ahead of time, makes it easy to dash off a card when I hear some one is sick or to congratulate them for an achievement, or even just to catch up and stay in touch.

I feel like a card that someone can touch is very special especially in today's electronic age.  A card can be saved and whenever you look at it again, it is like another little special visit from a dear friend or family member.

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