Wednesday, February 11, 2009

William Wilson

Descendants of William Wilson & Nancy Crabtree

WILLIAM WILSON was born Abt. 1807 in Virginia, and died unknown.
She was born Abt. 1804 in Russell Co., Virginia, and died Bef. 1862.


i. SOLOMON WILSON, b. Abt. 1827, Virginia.
ii. JAMES PARROTT WILSON, b. Oct 1832, Russell Co., Virginia; d. Bef. 12 Sep 1923; m. ELIZABETH FRASHER, 26 Sep 1860, Wayne Co., (West) Virginia; b. 02 Jan 1828, Cabell Co., (West) Virginia; d. 12 Sep 1923, Wayne Co., West Virginia. [This is my line]
iii. EVELINE WILSON, b. Abt. 1837.
iv. MARY E. WILSON, b. Abt. 1845.
v. JOHN W. WILSON, b. Abt. 1847.

New Squidoo Lens on Making a Christmas Newsletter

Here is a link to my newest Squidoo lens [I made 2 tonight, woohoo]; it is about a quick and easy way to make a Christmas newsletter. Hope you check it out. Thanks.

New Squidoo Lens on Journaling

Here is the link to my new Squidoo Lens on Scrapbook Journaling. Check it out for help in finding the right words to write your memories into your scrapbooks. Journaling breathes life into your scrapbook pages.

Exploding Star Within a Star Wallhanging

I made this wallhanging on special order for my friend, it was to be used in her kitchen and include some of her kitchen curtain fabric. The stars points are various lengths so that they appear to be twinkling in the beautiful dark blue night sky. My friend loved it.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Organization or Lack Thereof - Argh!!

I seem to be on an unending quest for organization.

I need to organize:

  • my scrapbook supplies - I literally have more than many small stores - I am blessed to have all this but it needs to be organized to be utilized.
  • 20+ years of genealogy research - I have almost stopped researching because I need to get a handle on the boxes and computer files I have already made. I still have genealogy in old word-processing files from before I bought my first genealogy management software.
  • growing rubber stamp collection - so I won't buy duplicates and so I can find and use what I have bought
  • large personal library which includes reading for fun books, craft books, cook books, reference books, etc
  • photos - boxes and boxes of photos and according to my computer I have over 19,000!?!? digital photos.
  • fabric - I am a quilter - therefore I have lots of fabric.
  • paper - oh my! scrapbook paper, cardstock, vellum, chipboard, and not to mention that I adore stationary. I love paper and can't stand to waste it.

These are just the first things that come to mind. I have made many attempts at organizing each of these areas; but seemingly before I can blink they are out of control again.

Of course, life, and having 7 children and 7 grandchildren and 1 on the way complicates things, lol. But they are happy interruptions.

I'm on Squidoo Now - Check it Out

I have started on Squidoo; actually I put up a "lens" (what they call a webpage) there about Die Cuts for Scrapbooking. I had put this web up a while back but this week went back to look at it and no one had seen it, so I Twittered about it and posted about it on Facebook and I am up to 22 views. Which while it may not seem like much to you, just tickles me that I have finally a start on Squidoo.

My lens on Squidoo is about Die Cuts for Scrapbooking. Here is the link for it.

I hope you would take a moment to go visit my page and rate it. Thanks!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Emerging ... New Art Doodle

This is my latest Art Journal Doodle. I did this on a legal pad while I was played Rummy with the family.

I am calling this one, Emerging. Since I am allowing my inner artist to have the freedom to begin the process of emerging. Hope you like it.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


I am proud to tell you all; that my second son, was just promoted to the rank of Specialist in the Army. So proud of him! HOOAH!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Stethescope Video

This is a video forwarded to me by my Aunt Julie; it is cute and awesome. Hope you like it.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Newest Associated Content Article About Jethro Gibbs of NCIS

Leroy Jethro Gibbs, NCIS' Reluctant Heartthrob & Dedicated Investigator, is my latest article published at Associated Content. Hope you will take a moment to read it, and if you like it please recommend it and / or leave me a comment. Thanks.

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